Jul 8, 2016



You might pride yourself on being a driver with no tickets, points on your record and no accidents to speak of, but do you really know the rules of the road? No matter how long you’ve had your license, there are bound to be some you’ve forgotten and even a few that you never knew. To know where you stand, take the quiz below and check your answers, you might not know as much as you thought!  

  1. What does a red and white triangular sign mean at an intersection?_______ a) Yield to any approaching emergency vehicles. b) Look both directions before proceeding. c) Come to a full stop before proceeding. d) Slow down and be prepared to come to a full stop if necessary.
  2. Which of these should you obey over the other three? _______ a) A red traffic signal. b) A stop sign. c) A police officer d) A blinking red traffic signal.
  3. What is the best reaction when approaching an intersection as the light changes from green to yellow? _______ a) Speed up to make it through the intersection before the light turns red. b) Stop abruptly before entering the intersection. c) Come to a stop when the light turns red, even if you’re in the intersection. d) Slow down and be prepared to stop before entering the intersection
  4. When is it acceptable to cross a double solid yellow line? _______ a) To pass a slow-moving vehicle in your lane. b) To pass a group of motorcycles. c) To turn left into a driveway. d) It is never acceptable to cross a double solid line.
  5. What does a flashing yellow light mean? _______ a) Prepare for merging traffic. b) Pedestrian crossing ahead. c) Be prepared to stop. d) Proceed with caution.
  6. What does a green light at an intersection mean? _______ a) It’s your turn to go. b) It’s your turn to go, but only if the intersection is clear. c) It’s your turn to go, even when doing so would cause a collision. d) It’s your turn to go, even if pedestrians are crossing illegally.
  7. When two vehicles arrive at an intersection at the same time, which one should yield the right of way? _______ a) The smaller vehicle. b) The vehicle on the right. c) The vehicle on the left. d) Whichever vehicle is making a turn.
  8. How far before an intersection should you begin using your turn signal to indicate a right turn? _______ a) Begin signaling when you reach the turn. b) 50 feet before the turn. c) 100 feet before the turn. d) Only if there is a car behind you.
  9. When are you required to yield to a pedestrian with a guide dog and/or white cane? _______ a) Only if the guide dog is leading them across the street or intersection. b) Only if the pedestrian is following traffic signals. c) Only after honking to let the pedestrian know you’ve stopped. d) At all times.
  10. When is it ok to pass a stopped school bus with flashing red lights?_______ a) Only if no children are crossing the road. b) Only if you are in the other lane, facing the bus. c) Only if the bus if on the other side of a divided highway. d) It is never acceptable to pass a bus with flashing red lights.

Check your score below and see if it’s time you brushed up on your driving skills!

Answers: 1. D, 2. C, 3. D, 4. C, 5. D, 6. B, 7. C, 8. C, 9. D, 10. B   


“Would You Pass The Drivers License Test If You Took It Now?” BuzzFeed. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 July 2016.