Aug 24, 2016


Back-to-school time tends to elicit groans from kids, but cheers from parents. While you’re getting the new pencil cases, backpacks, and school clothes, it’s a good idea to have a refresher on safe back-to-school driving tips.

  1. The Bus is Always Right- When driving near a school bus, always consider the fact that there are about 40 kids aboard that the driver is trying to get to their destination safely. Yes, frequent stops can be annoying, but you can adjust your schedule around them if need be. And when you’re on the road with a bus, try to be helpful. Allow them to merge, keep a safe distance, and make sure your kids know to cross in front of the bus.
  2. Be Aware in the School Zone– The posted speed limits for a school zone are no joke. Yes, there will be kids crossing the street but there is more to consider. School zones will have new, inexperienced drivers, and it won’t be just during the hours there are classes. Think about school dances, sporting events, and clubs.
  3. Be a Smart Pedestrian– Don’t jaywalk, cross at inappropriate times, or text while walking. 33% of pedestrian accidents are due to kids darting out into the road. Stay alert when walking next to roads and stay visible to drivers.
  4. Keep the Carpool Safe– Make sure your vehicle is in top shape before transporting your kids and their friends to their school events. Also, make sure that everyone in the vehicle wears their seat belt no matter where they sit.
  5. Take Some Classes of Your Own– Taking a driving safety course is always a good idea. There are usually some offered by your city and most insurance companies will give a nice discount!

“5 Back-to-School Driving Tips.” Safety Insurance. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Aug. 2016.